Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A busy month to come filled with ups and downs!

Well as some of you may know I am closing Prissy Ink...It is sad but I know its the right decision with the economy being what it is. We will keep the website up and going so we will continue our sales there. With that said it gives me time to focus on my photography which I might add is doing very nicely. God has certainly blessed me with clients! I am almost completely booked for April weekends and I am taking appointments for May. I have 8 photo shoots this weekend! WOW! It will be a whirlwind! I am looking forward to it! I will be posting some sneak peeks after Sunday.

On another note... My cousin Karen is in town this week and she is a photographer in Atlanta! Well she took our family photos tonight! I am so excited I cannot wait to see them... Its odd being on the other side of the camera! I don't like this waiting! HAHA!

My baby girl turned 5 this weekend! Oh what a blast they had! We had a Girly party filled with little Divas. They got their hair done, their nails painted and the faces made up! Oh what fun! I will leave you with a photo from that and a photo from few shoots I had recently!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)