Friday, May 30, 2008

New Website!

Exciting news! Prissy Ink has a new website and you can now purchase items off the web! So send the link to all your friends and family out of town because now they can get the same great items you get from us online! We are still working out a few things and adding products but I figured we could go ahead and put it on the web.

The kids are getting ready to get out of school and trying to figure it all out...mommy's first summer working in 4 years! Hopefully we will all adjust. Lots of things going on this summer trips and such but I am still have some weekends open for pictures! I will try to post when I can!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Back to a hectic week at the store!

Atlanta was fun. We have several new items in the store and some on the way! I am so excited! Come check them out! I also had two shoots today and we all forgot it was Biker week! But it was okay these are my favorites from the shoot. First up is M and his mom and dad he's so cute! I love this shot and next is L and we had find finding Lady Bugs hence the lady bug flying over head in his pic! Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Atlanta for a few days!

I will be going to Atlanta to the market for Tues, Wed and Thur to get new stuff for the store! Heather will be at the store so stop in and see her! We had a great day on Saturday during the Jazz Festival! I hope you all have a great week and come check out the store for all the new stuff we get in Atlanta!