Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Baby turns 4!

Well today was Tori's Birthday! The big 4! It amazes me how time flies and how you blink and the are no longer babies. We had a great time at the party it was a western theme that we shared with our friends Mark and Heather because their son and Tori were born on the same day and their little girl on the 27th. The kids had a blast and the parents enjoyed themselves as well. Just a little sad that my baby is not so much a baby anymore. Where did the time go?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Blessed and Happy!

Well I just have been so busy with everything that its been hard to find time to post on here as you can see! But Easter was wonderful and the first month of Prissy Ink being open was outstanding! It is so much more than I ever thought. It has definitely taking some getting used to but things are great! I want to thank all my friends and family for their continued support and words of encouragement and my faithful shoppers!! Come by and visit the store if you haven't had a chance yet! I'll leave you with some easter pics!